Month: February 2014

Still here!

I had meant to delete this blog back towards the end of 2013, and had downloaded the posts, but somewhere along the line that didn’t happen.  I was reminded of that by having a new follower.  Hip hip hooray!

So it’s been a little over two years since I posted here.  A lot has happened with the boy and I can’t even begin to touch on what has happened in that time.  He’s at the stage in life where he’s learning words and putting sentences together.  Much of what he’s saying he hears from his mother and I, but sometimes just out of the blue he’ll come up with his own stuff.  Sometimes it’s rather funny and sometimes it’s something that requires a bit of correction.  Thankfully that’s few and far between.  

In the not so distant future he’ll be able to start playing sports, which I’m very excited about.  Probably soccer to start with.  I’ve already tried to get him to play with me in our basement, but as of yet it hasn’t really taken.  He keeps on wanting to pick the ball up and will only kick every now and then.   More practice I suppose. 

Lastly as this blog is named somewhat generically you’ll probably begin to see other types of posts on here.  

Happy first week of February!